"A Counterpoint to Glenn Smith's |
Just a few comments... The whole point of STARFLEET is missing from Glenn's article. STARFLEET provides a network where groups of like interests can get to know each other and interact. As an umbrella organization, it also offers a forum where we in fandom can do a whole lot more than we can as individuals or individual chapters. For instance, no one chapter could have provided millions of dollars in coupons to our overseas military basis, or hundreds of pounds of stamps to raise money for charity. My ship has tried raising money for the Challenger Center so they can offer a summer scholarship to an inner-city child. Actually, we work with another STARFLEET chapter to accomplish this goal and together we raise enough to send ONE child to camp. However, it would be very difficult for our single chapter, or even two chapters, to offer several scholarships on an annual basis. This is another area where STARFLEET excels at combining the might of many. Well, that covers some of the charitable aspects of STARFLEET, what about Trek? The umbrella organization has a wonderful mail-order academic program called "STARFLEET Academy". Our ship has tried to start its own, but after all the other jobs are divvied up among the active crew, there really aren't a lot of people left to handle creating and executing courses that range from informational learning experiences to treknologic fun. Then, there's STARFLEET's fanzine. It is one of the newest additions to the Fleet, and to my ship, one of the most important. We have several writers on board, several of which publish material in our newsletter. However, this gave them a chance to give their work a much wider audience. Imagine how they felt when they started receiving emails from people from all over who sent them email saying "hey, I liked your story"!! In addition, STARFLEET has given me and many people in my crew the networking to get to know other chapters and form friendships with people all over the world. When I go on a business trip, I can send electronic mail to the STARFLEET list and end up spending time with someone else in the STARFLEET family. In two weeks I will be heading out for training for work and will be able to spend some time with the Nomad compound. Well, at this point, it doesn't matter how good or bad the training will be, I know it will be a good trip because I will be able to spend time with friends. Before I joined STARFLEET, it would NEVER, EVER occur to me to even want to travel more than 100 miles away for a convention. Now I'm willing to make a seven hour drive to attend a summit (no convention, mind you) because I will be spending time with my friends in my STARFLEET family and have a good time. I do not think that STARFLEET has grown "too big for its britches." Yes, we started off as just a fan club, then grew to a network of fan clubs. However, as we grew, we had to face the same real-life rules and regulations as any large organization based in the United States. In order to publish those bi-monthly newsletters and fanzines and not send our SFA directors to the poor-house, STARFLEET had to take in capital. There needs to be accountability for those funds in order to ensure that money is not mis-handled. If we handle more than a certain amount of money, US law states that certain other reporting criteria must be met. Even my small science fiction group has rules regarding handling of funds, financial reporting, and how we report to the IRS. Any organization that takes in money (which in many cases is a necessary evil, unless someone is paying for everything "out of pocket") is risking problems in with the "real world" and its laws by NOT taking these issues seriously. Hey, even the 100 person symphonic band I play in is comprised of musicians who are there to have fun playing music, but we're still an incorporated organization with by-laws, elected positions, and a treasurer!! STARFLEET is NOT unique in this fashion and I am glad that there are some people willing to handle the business end of things so the rest of us can have fun. In summary, STARFLEET does have a lot to offer as an umbrella organization. However, because of the services offered and the fact that handling finances is a necessary evil, there are real world issues that we have to contend with. Anyone who even considers running for a high office in this organization must keep this dichotomy in mind and be ready to handle the business issues so the organization can continue to exist within the confines of the real world.
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