"It's just a fan club!" How many times have you seen or heard this statement during a debate between club members? For a while, it even became popular to use this line in a signature file so that people could constantly be reminded of our true place in the scheme of things. Well, I'm here to tell you that it just isn't so. Back in high school, I belonged to a true science fiction fan club. We were a group of friends who would get together and go to the movies. We would meet at someone's home to read the latest Heinlein novel and contemplate its impact on the universe. We would have endless discussions and debates about this movie, that book, or such-and-such authors and directors. We had fun. We did not, however, have a constitution. Nor did we have elections to choose a leader. We did not debate how the club should be structured or governed. We did not do these things because they had nothing to do with science fiction. These items had absolutely nothing to do with being a fan or being in a fan club. I am fairly certain that STARFLEET's origins closely match the type of club I describe. Then, somewhere along the way, a couple of clubs decided to team up for some reason. They probably meant nothing permanent by it, they were just pooling resources or teaming up for a convention trip. Eventually, this grew to include more fan clubs and more functions. Natural evolution moved these clubs to a greater involvement with one another, but they never forgot that they were individual clubs. Instead of a formal organization, this was more of a coalition. Much like the original colonies after tossing England out; they agreed to join together when mutually beneficial, but otherwise would stick to themselves. Eventually, into this nirvana, someone introduced the apple: they decided to formalize their arrangement. They formed a government and this government needed elected officials. They now needed rules to determine how to elect the officials so they made a constitution. However, while doing all of this, they still thought of themselves as independent, self-willed, unattached fan clubs. This change was more like the switch from dating to marriage than they ever realized. And that has been the basis for many of our problems ever since. Why do you belong to an international organization? I honestly don't think most of you know. I know I don't have a clue why you bother to belong to STARFLEET. I have been told several times lately that individual regions do not want STARFLEET getting into their business. I have also been told that the chapters do not want STARFLEET, or its regional representatives, getting into the club's business. So I ask again: Why do you belong to an international organization? What do you expect to get out of STARFLEET? What do you think STARFLEET is going to do that will allow you to enjoy Star Trek one iota more? If this is truly "just a fan club," then we have all fallen for one of the largest hoaxes in history. The forefathers and foremothers of this organization already had fan clubs. They were watching the re-runs, going to the movies, reading the novels, and enjoying each others' company just fine without STARFLEET. Something caused them to change the way they did things. Something made them band together. Something made the increased paperwork, social conflicts, and structural nightmares worthwhile. We have just forgotten what those reasons were. Some folks complain that STARFLEET is getting too big for its britches. Others gripe that the organization is not doing nearly enough. Everyone claims there must be a balance that will be in everyone's best interests. Unfortunately, no one seems to know what that balance is or how to get it. We have to redefine this organization and decide just what it is supposed to be. We have to determine exactly what we expect and then let those expectations be known. We have to explain to ourselves and the rest of the world why we bother with elected officers, regulations, and paperwork. Because, if we cannot explain it, we should just go back to watching TV with our buddies and forget the whole thing. Read Lisa N Paradis's COUNTERPOINT Article to this article... |
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