"Let's Meet the New Moderators! Here's Donna Friesen!" |
Greetings from Behind the Electrified Pencil folks... There are few things more important in the realm of the STARFLEET Listserver than understanding the people that you are dealing with. The STARFLEET Listserve is a mailing system that allows many people to receive a message sent by one person at the touch of a button. Naturally with this great service, comes the need to have someone "police" it and that is where our guests come in. Recently Donna and Mark Anbinder were installed as the Listserve Moderators and we here at the AREA thought that it was time to "get to know them." So here, we present "A Chat with the Moderators... Begin Interview with Donna Friesen... * For those that don't know you, tell us who you are, where you live and what you do for a living (as a job, or have in the past as a job...) My name is Donna Friesen. I have been happily married to a wonderful husband, Dan, and am the mother of two great little girls, Courtney and Rebekah. I have done a lot of different jobs throughout my adult life, from slinging burgers to peddling vacuum cleaners. Currently I am working for an insurance company as a Medical Transcriptionist. I live in Wheaton, Maryland, having just moved here from Louisiana about a year ago. * What kind of schooling have you experienced in the past? I have a Bachelors of Science degree in Secondary Education. I am Texas certified to teach middle school and high school English. * Are you satisified with the education that you received? How does your education help you in being an Administrator on the STARFLEET Listserve? Quite honestly...no, I am not satisfied with the education I received. I feel that if the school I had attended had better prepared me for my chosen profession, I would most likely be doing that today. I think the biggest way that my education helps me in being an moderator on the STARFLEET list is in helping me to deal with tense situations in a calm and rational manner. * Most people will only know you as a ".sig line" and "the voice of reason" that sometimes chimes into a discussion on the listserve: What would you like people to know about you most? I want people to know that I am fair and I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. * Many things come to mind for people when you mention the word Listserve in STARFLEET Circles: What is your immediate thought? To me, the STARFLEET list is a place where people with similar likes can come together and discuss those likes. In many ways, STARFLEET is an extended family to me. I cry when I hear of someone's loss and a cheer when I hear of someone's joys and accomplishments. * While the "personal loss of a loved one" or an event or issue in ones life is a shock to the system, one of the things that infuriate people on the Listserve, are "condolences" messages that go on endlessly. What do you feel people that wish to convey their condolences should do? People who want to convey their condolences to another member of the list should do so privately. In most instances, the person who first announces the loss also gives a private e-mail address and/or postal address where condolences can be sent. If the person does not do this, then the person expressing the condolences should send a post asking for the information (preferably privately, but to the list if the originator does not provide his/her private e-mail address). * The STARFLEET Listserve has been a hotbed for discussion in recent years. What is your policy on "following procedures and protocols of the listserve" in regard to "outbursts", etc etc (ie: First Strike, Second Strike, NO strikes, etc...) Our STARFLEET List FAQ is quite clear on what is and is not acceptable. When someone does choose to not follow the list rules, then we will first send a general warning to the list. If he/she continues in his/her behavior, then we will send a private, sterner warning. If he/she still insists on continuing with his/her behavior, then we will suspend him/her for a period of at least two (2)weeks. And it goes on from there. We do are very best to not have to suspend and/or expel anyone from the list, but when someone chooses to continue to ignore the list moderators and continues to cause problems on the list, then we are given no choice. We attempt to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. The one area where we absolutely will not do this is when someone is out right disrespectful to one of the list moderators (ie: cursing, name calling, etc.). When someone does this, it is grounds for automatic expulsion (at the discretion of the list moderators). * What is your (current or past) pet peve of peoples behavior on the STARFLEET Listserve? My pet peeve of peoples' behavior on the STARFLEET list is when someone starts putting down another member of the list just because they don't agree. There are many ways to disagree with someone without being nasty about it. * And Finally....... * Tell us something about yourself that virtually noone else knows about you: I have a very short temper, which I do my best to control when letting people know that they've broken a list rule. This isn't always easy, so a lot of times I will first run a post I am about to send out by someone else, usually Allyson. I am also a very emotional person |
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