So you are asking yourself, what in the heck is a "SHIPVERTISEMENT?" In a nutshell, the AREA 52 SHIPVERTISEMENT is your chapters/organizations chance to be seen by the Fleet, and also your chance to participate in a fund raiser that assists people in getting to college to help today's youth make a difference in everyone's lives. How does it work? Your chapter will have its crest, banner or logo featured on the FRONT PAGE of AREA 52, STARFLEET's Editorial WWWSite (as seen in the graphic below). In the last 5 years, all three of the AREA 52 incarnations have generated more than 35,000 hits (visits to the page), and this, via the Shipvertisement Banner logo ends up benefiting everyone involved.
So how much does it COST? So NOW you are asking yourself, what does a "SHIPVERTISEMENT" cost? The answer is SIMPLE. There are two pricing scales for AREA 52 SHIPVERTISMENTs.
So, for less than the cost of a meal at a restaurant, for the same cost of renting a couple of videotapes and two soft drinks, for the cost of TWO people visiting the theater ONCE, YOUR CHAPTER receives UNTOLD benefit via the AREA 52 "SHIPVERTISEMENT" link, that will be viewed by thousands of people, both Fleet and otherwise. So how could this deal get any better? It DOES get better! The proceeds raised via the ATLAS SCHOLARSHIP FUND, which is a program of a chapter of STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Organization. So what is it you are waiting for? Get your checkbook out, or send that money order to 'ATLAS Scholarship Fund' and send it to: AREA
52: STARFLEET's Editorial WWWSite If you have any questions in regard to the AREA 52 "SHIPVERTISEMENT"s, please feel free to contact the AREA 52 Administrator when you can and thanks in advance for your donations!
52: All rights reserved. © COPYRIGHT 2006 This material may be published,
broadcast, rewritten or redistributed
only with permission granted from the AREA
52 Administrator. Thank you for your cooperation.