Unless you are one of STARFLEET's electronic hermits, you've seen the debates on the list about a commanding officer's responsibility to their club members. Should COs be forced to represent their members or should STARFLEET keep its collective nose out of local chapters' business? I think STARFLEET should leave the local chapters alone and here is why. This is America. Now I full well realize that STARFLEET is an international organization, but let's be honest here. STARFLEET was started in America and the majority of its members are American. In America, we are used to doing what we please. You do not see the national government telling the states how they have to do business. The state does not tell its counties and cities how they have to run their affairs. The same concept should apply to STARFLEET. The rules are simple and honest: a chapter needs a legal CO, a legal XO, and eight persons willing to go along with them. We do not need to complicate matters by demanding any kind of fair treatment or representation for the club's members. If a member does not like the treatment they receive, they can just suck it up or they can leave. If there is not another club for them to go to, then they are just out of luck. It's not STARFLEET's job to make sure these folks get the most out of their memberships, they need to be responsible for themselves. Besides, if the CO was that bad, they couldn't get nine other people to go along with them. You just have to be realistic and a little logical to work this out: Who has ever heard of someone treating people in a nasty way getting a whole bunch of people to help them out? It cannot happen in the real world, it cannot happen in STARFLEET. People just won't put up with this stuff; it's that simple. Even if you have a club that forms a power group that puts themselves ahead of the other members, is that really so bad? It is sort of darwinistic and natural. The stronger members of the club are going to join together and get things done while the weaker members can stay out of the way. Everybody wins because you have a club that is doing more. Thus people have more fun. Isn't that why we are all here? Another good point is that this system promotes the growth of the organization. Do you think we would have near this many chapters if everyone was happy with the group they first joined? It is sort of like birds leaving the nest; when the whiners have had enough, they go off and form a new chapter. Now you have groups that can compete against each other for members. The new members get to choose which club they like best and having a choice is a good thing. But, what of those members who just get fed up, quit and then tell everyone they know how stupid
the STARFLEET clubs are? Simple, we are better off without them. Again, it is not
STARFLEET's job to baby-sit all of the malcontents in the world. A member gets out of this
organization just what they put into it. If they are not willing to stick it out in their current club, they should have the
backbone to start a new club. Otherwise, they are worthless members anyway. As for the bad
publicity, do any of us really give a crap about what the public thinks? Why should
we? |
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