I have seen some of the letters complaining that too much of STARFLEET's operation has moved to the Internet. Well, I want to tell you right now that those letters are dead wrong. Not only have we not put enough of the club on-line, we should immediately drop everything else. I am a computer consultant. I make my living with a computer. I organize my family on the computer. I communicate through my computer. And, I perform my fan activities with a computer. I do not have time to be active in a local club. My lifestyle does not afford me the opportunity to go out of town to conventions and summits. And I sure do not have time to mess with paper messages and newsletters. Doing all STARFLEET activities on-line allows me to be the kind of fan and club member I want to be. I can get club information and newsletters from web pages. I can share information with e-mail. I can even hold real-time activities in IRC sessions. Computers are it! Everybody has one. If they don't, then they should. Now, I have to readily admit that we cannot do everything on the Internet that we can do in the real world. But I just have to ask: Are the real world chapters, summits, and newsletters really that important? The most important stuff is the on-line activities; we can live without the other stuff. Besides, as I said earlier, I cannot participate in the real world activities anyway. It just would not be fair to me to emphasize those events and services. For those of you thinking we can just do everything in both mediums, show me how to snail mail a web page or how to get folks together from all over the world in a nightly discussion without the Internet and I might be willing to think about it. A friend of mine suggested we develop every area of the club's existence to its highest potential and let each club member take part in the areas that interest them the most. Make the best chapters we can for those who want regular meetings. These clubs could make great newsletters and web pages. They could hold outstanding summits for people to travel to and hold on-line gatherings for the technophiles. Everybody could pick and choose how they want to be involved and have the best of everything. I just don't see it. This idea just has too much diversity, in too many combinations. That concept is great for a Star Trek episode, but it has no place in our club. That's what I believe and, thus, what you should too. |
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