There is no little debate about the Off-line Chapters and Folks in STARFLEET. I really am interested in proposals, ideas, and optional alternatives to insure that the Off-line folks in STARFLEET are indeed, not forgotten, what with the increased On-Line activity currently underway. "Subspace Relays" is one option I have come up with. Basically put, it is offering Off-Line Chapters and individuals, a chance to establish On-Line contact, by personally relaying their requests, questions, and comments to the designated person or Office. I am here to Serve, and I have Internet and On-Line access to many persons, Offices, and Chapters. I Volunteer my time and access to those without On-Line access. As the Director, STARFLEET Subspace Communications- I feel that I have a duty and obligation to attempt to help Chapters and Individuals communicate. So, I have begun the process of "putting out the word" on the "Subspace Relays" Project. Currently, there is a Fleetwide opinion, that with the dawn of the new STARFLEET On-Line activity, that the Leadership and Offices, are moving ahead at twice the speed of light, and half the speed of sense. I have personally heard from many, who earnestly feel, that they are being left behind, or otherwise placed "out of the loop" due to their Off-line status. For 21 years, STARFLEET communications efforts have been carried out, via US Mail. Now, with an Leadership that has implemented much of it's own Communications aspects, with Internet connections, and On-Line efforts, those who feel "out of the loop", feel isolated. They also feel that US mail communications will not be the primary means to Communicate with HQ and vice-versa. I know that HQ is earnestly dedicated to safeguard all means of ongoing Communications across Regions and Fleet. I hope that as time passes, that HQ and those with On-Line access will support & promote such efforts as "Subspace Relays" in an attempt to meet the needs and concerns of the "Off-Line Chapter and/or Member(s) I also would urge the Leadership to re-emphasize the US Mail Communications efforts, and assure those with Off-line status that HQ will endeavor to maintain and reinforce US mail Communications aspects, inaddition to the ongoing and growing On-Line activity. In closing, let me say that I earnestly feel that the current President Michael D. Smith and his Administration, and the Communications Chief Gordon Goldberg are endeavoring to take this Association into the Millennium by establishing On-Line Internet Communications. The Internet is the "wave of the future", and certainly, one cannot fault STARFLEET HQ for their steadfast objectives of insuring that STARFLEET-The International: The STAR TREK Fan Association is not left behind, as the world advances & enhances it's own ability to Communicate. However, I feel that those who voice concerns and comments about "being left behind" or "out of the loop" have expressed and do express sincere concerns. STARFLEET must not forget those Off-Line Folks. "Subspace Relays" is but one option offered to the Membership. Perhaps, the CQ Editor can consider including a color copy of the SFI Website or the SFI Operations or SFI Comp Ops Website, to "share" some sense of what it is like to see the quantum advance in Communications found on the Internet. Maybe we can persuade Communications Chief Gordon Goldberg to write an article with some graphics on the various Regional Websites. Include the wonderful Trek graphics, or Website pictures of the Starships, etc. Share what many of us already enjoy. Don't let time make our fellow Fleeters feel so "left out". Isn't that what the COMMUNIQUE' is all about ? Communicating ? Finally, I would venture to propose that once STARFLEET is back on it's feet, financially, that we consider establishing a " On-Line Enhancement Fund", and that donations are raised, and that a basic Computer system is purchased and donated to One Chapter, Once a Year, that is not currently On-Line. I know, this sounds incredible to even suggest. But, couldn't such a "option" to resolve this matter be considered? Some systems do not cost all that much, and I think that it is a noble effort to propose. If we're really seeking to be the worlds largest, STAR TREK Association, maybe the world's largest STAR TREK Association could "look out for it's own". To take the "Let me Help" philosophy, one step further, and really "Help" those who need the " Help." Granted, we couldn't solve all the Computer problems of the Off-Line folks, but hey- one Chapter connected, is one less Chapter not connected to the Internet. Maybe, this is too idealistic. Maybe not. But, I propose it first. As Outrageous as it may seem. In the meantime, "Subspace Relays " are available. Let me know, what you all think. |
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