We are proud to offer the membership a collection
of previously asked questions to the Commander: STARFLEET (Editor's
Note: All of the listings below are to ex-Commander, STARFLEET, Mike
Smith). Page
through the questions below, and if you have any questions about the
below information, contact
us! We would be happy to help!
"Having heard chapters leaving the Fleet because they believe their
efforts aren't appreciated, and that they are being neglected by the
"powers that be".
In an organization that is completely volunteer based, what do you,
as an "out-going Commander: STARFLEET" say, as far as their allegations
being legitimate?
We know that some people are "having a great/entertaining Fleet
experience" but truly some aren't. Thank you for your input into this
matter, as we look forward to your comments."
--More than One
Member of Region 1
Given the fact that I believe I know the people involved in these
Those accusations are simply sour grapes issued by folks who either have
political agendas or who didn't like the answers that they were given in
regards to questions that they had.
Instead of working within the system, or stopping with the petty politics,
they choose to take their toys and go home. And that's completely within
their right.
Based on the above, there's not a legitimate complaint among them. To further qualify, to my direct knowledge, no chapter has left because their
efforts were not appreciated. To my direct knowledge, no chapter in this
organization is being neglected by STARFLEET.
My old High School track coach always used to say: "Quitters never win and
winners never quit." This administration stands by its positive commitment
to this organization, and to the great strides this organization has made
since 1997. It's sad to see that some folks still haven't grown out of the
shadows of the past to grow and mature with the rest of the organization.
Thanks for your question.
Admiral Mike Smith
"I applaud your recent remarks and acceptance of responsibility
about the most recent delays of the most recent Communiqué (STARFLEET's
Bi-monthly newsletter --Ed.) Still, the fact remains that for most, the
Communiqué is what should be the most impressive news influence to the majority of the Fleet. What can we look forward to during this year
that will allow the majority of the Fleet, to be able to take advantage
of the Communiqué?"
--A Fleetmember: Region
Our incoming Chief of Communications,
Allyson Dyar
(comm@sfi.org) , and our
newly appointed CQ Editor, Chris Wallace (cq-editor@sfi.org) have some new
ideas to improve our newsletter. Feel free to contact them directly with
your questions. Thanks for asking!
Admiral Mike Smith
"You have apparently won the Vote of Confidence (as well as the election that we didn't really
have to draw on), and so the a question presents itself:
What do YOU as the incumbent Fleet Admiral, awaiting only a Vote of Confidence (remembering
that 55 chapters nominated you as a candidate) feel is lost by not having a "real" election for
Fleet Admiral, both Good and Bad?"
Fleetmember: Region 7
Actually, I can't say that very much *is* lost by not having a "real" election.
I consider it a *win* scenario for STARFLEET, as it saves the organization the time and expense
of hiring a CPA to count ballots . If there were enough people in STARFLEET dissatisfied with
the performance of *any* Commander, STARFLEET, then there would be at least one or two
other candidates to hold a "real" election.
In our particular case, I think that not having a "real" election is a clear mandate that the
membership is happy with the results that have been achieved under the
Smith/Freas administration, and want another two years of solid and dependable leadership for the
I'm proud to have been part of the 50+ member team that pulled STARFLEET back together,
and the voters willing, I look forward to another two productive and proactive years as
STARFLEET moves into both its Silver Anniversary as a Fan Association, and also into a new
millennium, where hopefully STARFLEET will continue to make its mark, however large or small,
on the communities it helps to serve.
Thanks for your question, and I hope that all the Area 52 readers have a safe and joyous holiday
season this year.
Admiral Mike Smith
"Thank you for the time that you take to talk
to us here in the AREA 52 Editorial
Site. I have a question in regard to election processes in STARFLEET. What
are the
criteria to run for the office of Fleet Admiral, and what are the official
dates that
candidates in this process may begin campaigning. Thank you again for your
curious Fleetmember: Region 3
Region 3 member:
There are no set guidelines for running for the position of Fleet Admiral
that I am aware of, with the exception of being a STARFLEET member. There
is nothing in writing stating any other requirements, something that I
understand is being prepared by a Regional Coordinator for AB review in
the coming months.
That being said, this is what *I* personally would look for in a candidate
for Commander, STARFLEET:
1) OTS
and OCC
2) STARFLEET member for at least 5 years
3) Previously been an XO, CO, VRC or RC for a period of at least a year.
4) Provide a sense of leadership and knowledge of the organization
sufficient to lead our organization.
5) Put together a strong team of EC candidates that have skills or
knowledge relating to the department they are overseeing.
What you or other STARFLEET members may look for depends on each
Thanks for asking, and whatever else, remember to exercise your right to
Admiral Mike Smith
that there is no "opposition" for you to run against, can you
tell the "public" of STARFLEET what the goals will be for the
next term in STARFLEET?"
A curious
Fleetmember: Region 3
Thanks for your
Our goals are to continue to work towards improving our organization and how it
is managed. While we have made great strides on returning our organization to
stability, we understand that we can always work to improve things and make them
work even better. We are also looking to direct the attention of the membership
into completely re-funding our Scholarship Program and that is a major focus for
our team and myself.
"Many believe that you being the only person running means that you don't have
to win over the current membership. What do you think of that?"
I think it's sad that there are folks out there who still choose to look at things
within STARFLEET with so much of a jaundiced political outlook.
The Smith/Freas team works for the membership; we have been, and continue to
strive to make things better for our membership. We certainly aren't perfect, but I
think the fact that we are running for a second term unopposed speaks volumes
about the level of support that we have throughout the 'Fleet.
This does not mean that we will become complacent. Far from it. We have, and we
will continue to work to improve this organization. That certainly doesn't stop just
because we have no "opponent" in this year's election cycle.
Admiral Mike Smith
"...it seems to me that the STARFLEET Marine Corps is intertwined in
so much so that it is actually an "appendage" of STARFLEET. A
fellow Marine
friend and I have debated this topic often. What *is* the Official stance
of the
STARFLEET Marine Corps in relation to STARFLEET: The International STAR
TREK Fan Association?
Fleetmember: Region 3
Region 3 Member:
The STARFLEET Marine Corps is a department of STARFLEET, The International
Star Trek Fan Association. The Commandant of the Corps is responsible to,
and appointed by, the Commander, STARFLEET.
I hope this answers your question!
Admiral Mike Smith